
Photography is apart of everyone's life. It's been a part of my life since the day I was born, when they took my baby picture in the hospital. I first realized I wanted photography to be a hobby and apart of my life when I was 12 years old and I had my first camera. I was taking great shots that people were amazing by and I loved the feeling of capturing the perfect photo. My favorite quote is "Life is Like a Camera Focus on What's Important, Capture The Good Times, Develop from The Negatives, and if Things Don't Work Out, take Another Shot".

While traveling I've gotten to take some amazing photos from a Florence Cathedral to the mountains in Alaska. I love capturing those beautiful moments in time and sharing them on social media with people who may never get the chance to see them. I like posting the photos I take it's like a time stamp on a photo and other people get to enjoy them too. I live right next to South Padre Island. I used to go all the time and take pictures. I even got a couple of my pictures published on the South Padre Island website.

I prefer taking scenic pictures but I also love doing portraits. I've done a couple new born pictures and I used to take graduation pictures for people in high school. This then led to to taking graduation pictures for Texas State Students. It's a fun thing to do and make money in the process. I love seeing people's faces when they see their pictures after we are done. I've also taken photos for parties but I'm still learning new things as I go.

graduation picture