
profile picture of Amanda with her hand gracefully holding up her head

Hello, my name is Amanda Rodriguez, I am a student at Texas State Univeristy. I am currently a Digital Media Innovation Mass Communication major with a Business Minor. I came to Texas State as a biology major but soon realized my heart belonged somewhere else. I choose Texas State because of it's beautiful scenary and it's never ending photo opportunities. The campus really made me feel at home, rather than other places that were all concrete jungles and felt like prison. Overall, I think I made the right choice. I get to be surrounded by nature walking from class to class.

I was born and raised in Brownsville, Tx known as "The Valley". I love photography and it's a huge part of my life. I look forward to having a job in the future that allows me to implement my photography into my work. The first picture I ever took that made me realize I was in love with photography, was of a polar bear at the Memphis Zoo. I was taking picture of the polar bear swimmming and I was getting great shots that made people look at my camera and tell me I have a great eye. My life changed that day and I never looked back.

Another passion of mine is traveling, I try to travel as much as I can. I try to see as many places this beautiful world has to offer, while getting great photos in the process. I also have a craftshop that I started at the same time as everyone else, during quarantine. I discovered that it was something I really enjoyed doing. It's a great hobby while also making some money for college. These two things really helped me during the start of the pandemic and I continue to learn new things everyday.

Favorite Colors Favorite Animals Favorite Food
Purple Horses Wings
Blue Dolphins Pizza
Green Dogs Pasta